Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The New Girl

I have worked with quite a few individuals in the financial services industry, and few impressed me as well as Tom.

- Tim Ursiny, The Coward's Guide to Conflict

I was mistaken for the new girl this morning. I'll take that as a compliment.

When I get ready in the morning, usually I first brush my hair out and try to give it a sense of the wave direction I would like it to go with my round brush. It really is a compromise, because my hair is just about as stubborn as I am, and so I just make an effort to make it neat and pretty based on the direction it insists on going. Then I pin it back with a hair band and apply my makeup, before removing the band and adjusting the new waves the hair band creates.

This morning, when I was done with my makeup and ready to unleash my hair, I had to stop. Somehow, I had natural ringlets over each ear, and I really liked what I saw. I looked so feminine and completely different. So, it was as I was sitting by Sandra, that I was mistaken by Tim as being the new girl who doesn't actually start until tomorrow.

On one of my morning rides to the bathroom, I rode with two gentlemen and a lady who got off at the next two floors. I was referred to as "she" by the strangers as we rode down. At one point, one of the gentlemen cracked off something, and the other woman jokingly told me, "Hit him for me."

As I got to the bottom, I noticed that the puddle on the basement floor is almost dried up now, giving me room to walk around it instead of having to try to stretch or leap over it.

After a while, I noticed my hair was starting to look a little flat, as the ringlets fell out. That was easily solved by removing the hairband and brushing everything out.

I do believe I have a new look.

Hugs and God Bless,

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